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Updated: Jul 19, 2022

THE STORY SO FAR..............

April 2015...

So, it was a late night in the casino in Nottingham after a stag do and a heavy day on the beer.......

Chug to speedy- "I like the band I'm in but we don't play the music I really, really like. I want to put together a kick ass band and play some cool shit like Satriani, Van Halen etc that nobody has done in Lincoln before! What do you reckon? - are you in?"

Speedy - "yeah, could have some mileage. I'll have a think..."

Anyway, speedy thought (not for long) and said "go for it"

Chug bumped into Jesus at his local pub while watching an AC/DC tribute band...

Chug to Jesus- "I hear you play bass?"

Jesus - "yes i do"

Chug - "do you want to be in a kick ass rock band?"

Jesus - "yes i do"

Numbers were swapped......... Chug placed adverts and arranged auditions.

Small guy turned up and sang his heart out.

Chug - "you're in!"

Numbers were swapped

Bloke turned up and hit some stuff with sticks - he was in too

August 2015 we had a line up............

So... Rehearsals ensued and we were a band... called "Conspiracy Rising"

We started with our very first short set (August 2015) at a charity event which was over as soon as it started as we were there only to try out our handful of tracks and see how we compared to the main act. (we were better but unknown)

A second charity gig (in someone’s garden) was a little unusual, but was an opportunity to play again with our limited number of tracks (6) in front of a small (very small) crowd.

We grabbed a slot at a charity/birthday party early in December 2015, which unfortunately only saw us play our new 60 min set to only a handful of people. It was a good venue although a little tired - we agreed we would be very unlikely to do this type of event again but saw that we had moved forward and now had a good catalogue of tracks up to public appearance standard.

We finished the year with our efforts firmly into getting a full two hours’ worth of material so we could actively canvass for gigs and when pubs and clubs said 'yes' we actually could walk the walk. The Black Bull at Ruskington gave us our first full gig with a date in February 2016, so we had a target to aim at, in addition to getting the live recording done (January 2016). Eventually this date moved back to April 1st 2016 which although at the time it moved was a little disappointing it did give us extra time to work on additional tracks.

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